Specializing in helping companies deal with change
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Organizations we LOVE TO support and ALSO deserve your support (NOT A COMPLETE LIST):

International Santuary

The mission of International Sanctuary is to empower girls and women escaping human trafficking to embrace their true identity and worth.

US Veterans Business Alliance

The Alliance is a vibrant organization that empowers, provides resources to, and works side-by-side with veterans to promote and support them in establishing, maintaining and growing viable business enterprises. The Alliance has helped thousands achieve financial rehabilitation through entrepreneurship.

Image result for The Gratitude Network

The Gratitude Network, is a networked organization of experienced leaders who identify, nurture, mentor and fund innovative social impact organizations who are impacting the lives of children and changing the face of education worldwide.

Image result for OPTIONS ADDICTION SERVICES, Berkeley, ca

Options Recovery Services proudly celebrates two decades of service to the northern California community, helping to break the cycle of crime, broken families, and homelessness caused by addiction. We are proud of our history, our donors, volunteers, and staff. Options clients and graduates work at reclaiming their lives from addiction.


Image New Mexico Tech
New Mexico Tech, a premier science, technology and engineering university aspires to be a preeminent community of scholars dedicated to research, education, and innovation - advancing science, technology, engineering, and mathematics - to meet the challenges of tomorrow. New Mexico Tech aims to drive innovation and education through transdisciplinary collaborations.